About this blog

The wise Bernard DeVoto wrote that for the educated drinker (or bon vivant) there’s no happier time than “the hour” (normally around 6pm, even if after 5pm one is surely allowed to drink), and that, when the clock strikes 6, there is no better drink than a martini.

This blog is my personal ode to the martini cocktail, and it is dedicated to all martini drinkers in the world, for three reasons. First, because martini drinkers care about their drinks. An example? Luis Buñuel used to choose the exterior of his films depending on the quality of the martinis served in the area. Second, because they are generous, like Tennessee Williams, who left always his martini olive to his little dog. Third, because they will never stop experimenting, still respecting the traditional way of doing things.

Wether you are looking for the best martini bars around the world or for some precious martini knowledge, you are in the right place. 

Cheers to “the fountain of youth, which is a mixture of gin and vermouth”!

About me

I am Fabio Nascimbeni, Italian researcher in the field of education, father of two mini bartenders, and passionate martinian. Since 2008 (!!) I am taking care of this very small portion of the web: my blog on martini cocktails. It all started when I begun reviewing the bars I used to visit , partly to show off (“I know a cocktail bar in Shanghai that makes a great martini…”) partly to help my bad memory. Then, from martini bars to martini books and history, I started curating precious martini knowledge in this blog, and I am still doing that!